When Differences Clash: Essentials of Conflict Management in Interdisciplinary Groups
10:00 AM10:00

When Differences Clash: Essentials of Conflict Management in Interdisciplinary Groups

  • 4TU.Federation - Wageningen University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Utilising conflict situations to improve collaboration.

 4TU.CEE organizes this 1-day interactive workshop that offers the space to explore the nature of conflict in interdisciplinary settings and provides tools to effectively resolve or manage the ensuing tensions with the end result of more harmonious working relations and better communication.

About the workshop

Working in interdisciplinary groups entails working with difference. Working with difference brings us to the intercultural communication approach with its emphasis on learning about the Self, so that we can successfully learn about the Other.

Using elements of Emotional Intelligence, Intercultural Conflict Styles and Negotiation across Cultures will help you to experience conflicts as an enriching opportunity for learning and collaboration.

You  will thus employ  theory on intercultural conflict management together with experiential exercises you can use in your own practice, self-reflection and experience sharing, as you co-author potential solution strategies for the concrete  critical incidents  you bring into the workshop and share with others.  

Co-facilitated by Marijke vanOppen, MA (Cross Cultural Trainer 4TUCEE - Wageningen University and Research, NL) & Jana Holla

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Train the Intercultural Trainer Intensive Program Online
to Apr 8

Train the Intercultural Trainer Intensive Program Online

  • EIFID (Keramiek Atelier Patty Schilder) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Seven-week-program for Interculturalists ready to take action!

The online training offers 14 days of training in 14 modules of each 3 hours + 2 sessions dedicated to Participants live Intercultural workshops delivered online as part of the TTIT.

We are covering all the train-the-trainer topics with the overlaying content of  Intercultural Communication you need to know, when working with people from various cultures. Additionally, we focus very strongly on business and your visibility. This is why we do promote You and your work during the program.  You will walk away with the knowledge on how to prepare, deliver and evaluate an Intercultural Training for your Clients and an experience of going live with participants of your workshop!

Joining our training allows for a more in-depths grasp of topics such as group dynamics, training methods & methodologies, training styles, real experience with a real audience, as well as evaluation & direct participants feedback.

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Essentials of Conflict Management in Interdisciplinary Group Work
10:00 AM10:00

Essentials of Conflict Management in Interdisciplinary Group Work

Utilising conflict situations to improve collaboration.

 4TU.CEE organizes this 1-day interactive workshop that offers the space to explore the nature of conflict in interdisciplinary settings and provides tools to effectively resolve or manage the ensuing tensions with the end result of more harmonious working relations and better communication.

About the workshop

Working in interdisciplinary groups entails working with difference. Working with difference brings us to the intercultural communication approach with its emphasis on learning about the Self, so that we can successfully learn about the Other.

Using elements of Emotional Intelligence, Intercultural Conflict Styles and Negotiation across Cultures will help you to experience conflicts as an enriching opportunity for learning and collaboration.

You  will thus employ  theory on intercultural conflict management together with experiential exercises you can use in your own practice, self-reflection and experience sharing, as you co-author potential solution strategies for the concrete  critical incidents  you bring into the workshop and share with others.  

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The Arab World: Meaning, Identity, and Discovery
to Jul 18

The Arab World: Meaning, Identity, and Discovery

  • Summer Institute for Intercultural Comunication (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who are the real Arabs? Fairy-tale rich bedouins or fanatical terrorists?  What else is out there besides the wealth, the violence and the so-called incomprehensible Islam? We will lift the veil of the pervasive reductionist perspectives on the Arab region and its people in these highly polarizing times, by providing deeper insights into the complex experience we call the Arab world. We will explore the kaleidoscope of Arab identities and their core values, learn about the primary communication patterns and negotiation strategies, and compare local business practices of public and private institutions. We will also look at the Western world through an Arab lens. We invite you on an experiential learning journey that will engage your mind as well as your senses. Taught by an Arab Muslim and a Slovakian expatriate in Egypt, the course will use both an anthropological and an intercultural perspective.

Designed for: Anyone interested in deeper understanding of the Arab world and its  peoples  for professional and/or personal reasons: educators and students, business people, administrators, study abroad professionals, and developmental workers, to name a few.

Taught & co-facilitated with Sherifa Fayez.



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Training of Intercultural Trainers V
to Oct 2

Training of Intercultural Trainers V

Do you want to improve your training career?

Then join us for the Training of Intercultural Trainers (TOIT) 2017 in Barcelona, Spain - the fifth of its kind that Young SIETAR will be hosting after Krakow (POL), Berlin (GER), Rotterdam (NE) and Jena (GER). 

Our program offers a variety of learning opportunities for New Professionals and Advanced Interculturalists alike - facilitated by our experienced and inspiring trainer team, as well as opportunities to network with other interculturalists from all over the world and enjoy the city of Barcelona! 


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What Do You Need to Know When Dealing with (Cultural) Differences?
4:30 PM16:30

What Do You Need to Know When Dealing with (Cultural) Differences?

How often do you jump into conclusions when someone does something strange or unusual? How often are your assumptions correct? This workshop will explore various aspects of being, feeling and acting in intercultural situations with the main goal to improve our ability to deal with cultural diversity in our lives and/ or workplaces.  

Through cultural simulations, personal reflection exercises, and sharing of experiences we’ll examine ways how to embrace this diversity, bridge these differences and become better and more mindful communicators in the process.

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An Invitation to Collaborate Across Differences
to Mar 19

An Invitation to Collaborate Across Differences

What’s a monocultural society? Or for that matter a multicultural one? What is meant by ethnocentrism? Or for that matter by Eurocentrism?

This course invites you to explore your relationship with the (cultural) “Other”.  Our exploration will climb two stages: you will be introduced to the basic theoretical frameworks and key elements that constitute Cross Cultural Communication and Intercultural Learning, followed by a survey of practical application.
It is often said that to be able to know the Other, we need to know ourselves first. We will study the topics of identity, self- and other-awareness, perception, and belonging: the age-old ”us” vs ”them” paradigm that inevitably leads to stereotypes and prejudice. The process of acculturation presents yet another major theme and will serve as a conceptual bridge to studying ethnocentrism.

The second stage will be more hands on as it engages with the practical application of the different cross-cultural communication frameworks. With the use of experiential learning methods, we will consider the tools necessary when decoding others’ behaviours and communication patterns to build up competencies for successful and meaningful interaction with the Other. Here we will introduce the notion of ethnorelativism.
Our study of the Other will be enriched by writings of Martin Buber and Tzvetan Todorov. Joseph Shaules and the Bennetts will be our guides on the introductory tour of the cross-cultural field.     

What to expect
●        Opening up to learn about yourself and others in a safe environment through sharing of personal experiences and observations
●        Participate in experiential learning activities; some of which may take place beyond the classroom
●        Weekly engagement with assigned readings and voicing of your opinion in class discussions
●        To produce a final individual or group mini-project based on the learning and experiences from the course

Why apply
●        To gain deeper insight into who you are through self- and other-reflection
●        To examine your attitudes towards the “Others” and your default settings when interacting with strangers
●        To learn how to decode others’ behaviours and communication patterns
●        To (re-)discover and strengthen your cross-cultural skills
●        To explore the nature of ethnocentrism and enthorelativism and their implications in today’s world

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Teambuilding & Cross-cultural Communnication @ Hand Over II Project
8:00 AM08:00

Teambuilding & Cross-cultural Communnication @ Hand Over II Project

  • el-Tarfa village, St. Catherine Egypt (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • Multicultural teams have many advantages, such as offering potential for more creativity and innovation in finding solutions. Yet diversity in teamwork can also be a source of misunderstanding, prejudice, and conflict that in the end can be challenging for all parties involved. How to make the most of this situation?

    In this workshop, we will reflect on our own backgrounds, values and working style preferences. With reference to practical exercises and sharing of personal experiences, the students will get to know different strategies for assuring good multicultural teamwork and improve their conflict resolution skills.

    We hope that this workshop will set a positive atmosphere of collaboration that celebrates and makes most of the diversity of all the stakeholders involved in this project.


    Hand Over is a social enterprise that utilizes sustainable construction for the sake of community development. Our main aim is to provide humane, resilient and affordable housing conditions for unprivileged communities. We achieve this mission by empowering architecture and civil engineering students/graduates, along with the local residents and teaching them about the sustainable techniques of construction and jointly, they will design and build the houses themselves.   


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Cultural Practises of Sustainability @ Summer Academy on Intercultural Experience
to Jul 29

Cultural Practises of Sustainability @ Summer Academy on Intercultural Experience

  • Karlshochschule International University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In continuation of the first week’s course, this seminar deepens into the practices of national, regional and other subcultures and focuses on the question of how the meaning of “sustainability” is negotiated locally and through the interaction within or between social groups. To achieve this, the analysis will primarily sound the basic assumptions and the usefulness of practice theory and will then illuminate particular issues, e.g. as regards the comparison of specific cultures and certain cultural differences. One aspect that might be touched in particular is the way in which the members of (sub‑)cultural groups differentiate themselves from others through their consumption practices.

Co-trainer (of the practical part of the course)

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Middle East: Meaning, Identity & Discovery @ SIIC
9:00 AM09:00

Middle East: Meaning, Identity & Discovery @ SIIC

  • Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who are the Arabs? Fairy-tale rich Bedouins or fanatical terrorists? What else is out there besides the wealth, the violence, and the so-called incomprehensible Islam? We will lift the veil of the pervasive reductionist perspectives on the Middle East and its people by providing deeper insights into the complex experience we call the Arab World. You will also learn about the Western World through an Arab lens. We invite you on a brief but penetrating learning journey that will engage you’re your mind as well as your senses. Taught by an Arab Muslim and a Slovakian expatriate in the Middle East, the course will use both an anthropological and an intercultural perspective. 

1-day workshop @ SIIC with Sherifa Fayez

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to Jun 12


Intensive Facilitation Weekend

An intensive Friday to Sunday evening facilitation workshop in the heart of Zurich’s innovation center will bring together experienced facilitators to reflect on, multiply and exchange their knowledge in 48 hours. The Facilitathon is made by and for facilitators and is powered by peer-to-peer learning. Get ready to be challenged.

Co-facilitating with Elis Motta & Rahel Anschwanden

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Training of Intercultural Trainers 2016 @ Young SIETAR
to Mar 20

Training of Intercultural Trainers 2016 @ Young SIETAR

Do you want to improve your training career?

Then join us for the Training of Intercultural Trainers (TOIT) 2016 in Kraków, Poland - the fourth of its kind that Young SIETAR will be hosting after Berlin (GER), Rotterdam (NE) and Jena (GER). 

Our program offers a variety of learning opportunities for Young Professionals and Advanced Interculturalists alike - facilitated by our experienced and inspiring trainer team, as well as opportunities to network with other interculturalists from all over the world and enjoy the city of Kraków! 


Co-facilitating the Advanced Track with Jeremy Solomons

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International Relations Course @ Summer Academy of Intercultural Experience
to Jul 24

International Relations Course @ Summer Academy of Intercultural Experience

  • Karlshochschule – International University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This course is focusing on some of the principal rules and ways of entering and administrating international cooperation networks. The topic includes institutional as well as social conditions and constraints on the relationship-building processes. In order to show a complete panorama of the related issues, this course will introduce in some basic terms of political sciences, will sound the frameworks in some societal domains (like media, education, industrial sectors) and will discuss some cases of regional and border-crossing integration processes (e.g. in the EU, but not exclusively). The seminar will as well ask if management and organization are phenomena which can be explained in any context by a ‘typical western perspective’ of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness or if other perspectives are more suitable to guide analysis and problem solving processes.

Co-trainer (of the practical part of the course)

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The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Awareness in Global Technology Transfer
2:45 PM14:45

The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Awareness in Global Technology Transfer

In our increasingly globalized world with its merging markets and growing international cooperation, embracing the ensuing diversity among the different players still poses a considerable challenge. This reality is particularly present in the technology transfer context where collaboration among different academic institutions and industry is fundamental.

 Working with diversity essentially translates into answering the following questions: HOW do we interact and work effectively with partners and colleagues coming from diverse cultural backgrounds who think, communicate and act differently from us? HOW do we decode their behaviour and thus ensure successful collaboration?

 This session looks at the learnings from Intercultural Communication to answer these questions. The aim is to examine the role of cultural awareness and cross-cultural competence for problem-solving in an international cooperation context.

The session starts with a short theoretical introduction on cultural awareness and extends to real-life case case-studies and their practical solutions.


Session co-facilitated with Michaela Germinario

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Islam and Europe - the Angst Continues
1:30 PM13:30

Islam and Europe - the Angst Continues

Islam has been present in Europe since the 7th century. Given the human ability of adaptation and integration, we should have had enough time to get used to its presence. Yet the discourse of continuous threat this „medieval“ religion poses for our „progressive“ European societies persists with fluctuating strength. Why is this so? Why cannot we come to terms with this particular Other?

This workshop will look into the complex realities of Interfaith dialogue between Islam and (predominantly) Christian Europe. We will examine the  perception of Islam in Europe, as well as compare the nature of both of these faiths.  We will further explore the historical context and look at the current affairs shaping the popular debate on this subject matter. 

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