The world is getting smaller. You can travel to other countries or regions in the matter of hours or minutes when you get online. The key challenge is not the technology we use but the people we thus encounter, more precisely their differences and how we deal with them. Essentially, it comes down to communication and the rather hidden yet potent element of culture.
We all have culture, we rationally know that the different people we meet and/or work with have their own version of culture; yet when we interact with these Others we assume we all think and behave the same. How often though do the Others think and behave the way we expect them to?
In this WS, we’ll get to explore our assumptions about the different Others and the way we act towards them. We’ll then examine the different tools we can use to create mutually meaningful connections, improve our collaboration and deepen our understanding of each other.
We invite you on a journey of self- and other discovery that will raise your awareness of intercultural skills we all inherently possess yet can significantly improve.
Workshop Objectives:
- To examine your attitudes towards the “Others” and your default settings when interacting with strangers
- To learn how to decode others’ behaviours and communication patterns
- To (re-)discover and strengthen your intercultural skills
- To gain a deeper understanding of who you are through self- and other-reflection
Target group:
- People working in internationally or domastically diverse organisations / companies
- People traveling on business or to widen their horizons
- Students preparing for study abroad programs
- Foreigners living and/or working in Egypt
Co- facilitating with Ashraf Al Shafaki
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